The Wonder Pups ~ Just Wondering...

Me and the "boys" have been taking advantage of these mild, sunny days.  This morning we spent an hour or so in a Public Game Production Area just north of Eureka.  I took the camera.  As if I need to tell you:  Boggs on the left;  Ben on the right (they are the best of friends). . . simply checking out the wildlife on the far hill.   We were a mile and a half from the nearest oil road.  There are close to a hundred deer and hundreds of pheasant (mostly hens) wintering in the area . . . scratching and picking at soybean and wheat stubble.  We get to share the place with them.  The only way to get there is by snowmobile . . . or x-country skis.   I do the skis . . . that way I can return home and  . . . eat with both hands . . . a 6,000 calorie lunch.
"Retriever Journal" Feb/Mar issue (got it yesterday) included an article featuring Aberdeen, SD and concluded that it is the "Pheasant Capital of the World."  Which means:   next fall it could get even more crowded than usual our here.  Eureka is an hour's drive from Aberdeen.
You might think the "boys" are interested in the scenery.   But . . . I'm think'en that . . . the're wondering:  "Will Margo be our Valentine?"
Hope all is well.
Peter, Boggs and Ben 
What more could a breeder of the Labrador Retriever ask for? Thank you from my heart, Margo

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