Sparkle still Shines

"Sparkle" brought us two ribbons at the 2011 MIRRC Spring Informal. This wonderful Labrador Retriever is a girl who continues to put smiles on our faces. She has never failed a test! Special thanks to Mark Vossbein, her pro-trainer and handler. Alan and I, along with all our dogs here at BWCA Labs, are grateful for your time, service and talent.
Jolor's Rejuvenator SH "Sparkle"
Breeder/Owner: Margo E. Penke
Date of Birth: 4/5/08
Sire: Beauregard M.Y. Echo
Dam: High Amp Zesty Liza
This photograph is taken of her spotting me, her owner, hiding alongside a parked truck. I am way off in the distance; I am using my big lens on the camera. Stinker! I just can't fool her! She was running in Qualifier - Mark Vossbein at her side - in the first blind...waiting their turn. On April 30th she won 4th place. On May 1st she won 3rd place. The winner's on both days were seasoned older Master Hunt dogs...and I wish I had those names and stats in order, too...for we enjoy all the dogs and their wonderful owners; we had a blast! Love being out in the fields, getting the fresh air, enjoy watching the action, an spending a little time at the clubhouse - all of it...simply a great hobby! The dogs - the athletes - are magnificent! The Minnesota Iron Range Retriever Club is a great organization for retriever enthusiasts.

The Wonder Pups ~ Just Wondering...

Me and the "boys" have been taking advantage of these mild, sunny days.  This morning we spent an hour or so in a Public Game Production Area just north of Eureka.  I took the camera.  As if I need to tell you:  Boggs on the left;  Ben on the right (they are the best of friends). . . simply checking out the wildlife on the far hill.   We were a mile and a half from the nearest oil road.  There are close to a hundred deer and hundreds of pheasant (mostly hens) wintering in the area . . . scratching and picking at soybean and wheat stubble.  We get to share the place with them.  The only way to get there is by snowmobile . . . or x-country skis.   I do the skis . . . that way I can return home and  . . . eat with both hands . . . a 6,000 calorie lunch.
"Retriever Journal" Feb/Mar issue (got it yesterday) included an article featuring Aberdeen, SD and concluded that it is the "Pheasant Capital of the World."  Which means:   next fall it could get even more crowded than usual our here.  Eureka is an hour's drive from Aberdeen.
You might think the "boys" are interested in the scenery.   But . . . I'm think'en that . . . the're wondering:  "Will Margo be our Valentine?"
Hope all is well.
Peter, Boggs and Ben 
What more could a breeder of the Labrador Retriever ask for? Thank you from my heart, Margo

Planes, Pools and Pristine Surroundings

Wanted to share what BWCA Labs is like in January...don't see the dogs; because they are snuggled down today in their heated dog room...except to potty they are right back in there; and happy to do so. We're kinda like hibernating bears around here during this month. Either that or we feel like rodents in the tunnels as we travel through our pathways around the kennel after our roof was shoveled clear of an approx snow load 30 inches deep. Here's a link to the photo album recently posted: